Thursday, August 16, 2012

Beautiful Creatures Creatures in the Mariana Trench, deepest place in the World

Mariana Trench is the deepest location in the world save a million mysteries. Including the unique creatures that can survive in extreme conditions in the deepest sea.

Mariana Trench is located in the Pacific Ocean, east of the Mariana Islands, to be precise with the coordinates 11 ° 21 'North latitude and 142 ° 12' east longitude, is also close to Japan. Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the ocean in the world, as well as the location of the deepest in the world.

Depth of the Mariana Trench itself is 11 033 meters, while the pressure at the deepest trough reaches 8 tons per square inch. Meanwhile, the Mariana Trench is the length of 2.542 km with a width of 69 km.

Deep water with unusually high pressure was initially thought to be only inhabited by a primitive species, but recent findings indicate that in the deep sea there are many species that can not even be identified. Some of the creatures are small in size, but they can survive in the most extreme environmental conditions.

The following are pictures of the unique creatures Mariana trough dwellers.

15 Facts About Cats

For the cat lover, it's good to know the facts below:

1. Adult cats have about 30 teeth in its mouth, while a kitten has 26 teeth.

2. Cats with white fur and blue eyes are usually born deaf, although they developed other senses instead.

3. The cat's whiskers are very sensitive and can sense changes in air pressure that even the small ones.           This capability makes the cat can use it as an alternative guide to move in the dark when he can not see.

4. Although cats have five fingers on the front foot, they only had 4 fingers on the back foot. However, in some cats can be born with lots of fingers to the bone even with an additional 7.

5. At 6-month-old cat, was equivalent to 10 human years of age.

Tips When Preparing for Job Interviews

Job interviews are always stressful for the candidates. During the interview, we will physically meet with the interviewer and be seen directly if we qualify or not. With the interview the interviewer can make more confident if you are the right or vice versa. Hence, while engaged in a job interview, it is important for you to be a good time to introduce myself. Unfortunately, not all potential job seekers, lack of preparation when it will face an interview. So that you are successful, try to look at the following tips to help you make a good first impression at a job interview ...
Preparation Step into one Take the extra time approximately 30 minutes to

Panama Golden Frogs Left Only Ten

Gold frog that became a national symbol of Panama city, the population is now dwindling.
Panama golden frog (Atelopus zeteki) which is one of the national symbol of Panama city is threatened with extinction. According to biologists, Edgardo Griffith in Nispero Zoo, the frog population there


Tony Stark character which is another name for Iron Man's character is a rich and crazy technology. And for her performance in the recent movie The Avengers, Tony Stark was preparing a car that the exorbitant price of nearly U.S. $ 9.2 million or around Rp 82.8 billion. What are the greatness of this car?
In his latest film, a car made ​​by Stark Industries Super Car uses a variety of advanced technologies can only dream of many people. Starting from the radar, bulletproof