Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Original Indonesian Endangered Animals

Indonesia is famous for its rich flora and fauna. Including rare flora and fauna are also found in Indonesia. Already a chronic disease in developing countries occur poaching endangered animals. The problem classics, economics.

In the overseas market, because it is rare, the selling price of these animals dazzle the eyes of the hunter. For that Indonesia made ​​a law governing the endangered animals in Indonesia. Here are 10 Original Indonesian Endangered Animal and explanation.

1. Orang Utan (latin : Pongo Pygmaeus)  

Characteristic of this rare animal has hair that is so long compared to other ape species. Fruits

Most Dangerous Animals Herbivores

Most people assume that meat-eating animals or carnivorous animal that is very dangerous, because they are. Many carnivorous animals are caught or Carnivore harm or even kill humans like sharks, lions, tigers, crocodiles, and others. But that does not mean that no animal herbivores or carnivores animals are not dangerous. animals like carnivores, herbivores also can be very dangerous sometimes, they can be a very wild and savage when such a desperate situation when attacked or when their children bullied. Here we will list the 7 Most Dangerous Animals Herbivores, this article alone we made to awaken people that herbivorous animals can also be very dangerous.

1. Gelada Baboon

Gelada Baboon is one of the large-bodied primates originating from East Africa region, especially from the Eithiopia, their diet consists of grass and leaves. Gelada baboon used to live peacefully with his group

The World's Most Phenomenal book

Dissemination of science and knowledge have been made by various people in various cultures, through symbolic images, icons, paintings, inscriptions including the later books. A history and some of the events that happened in the past can even be found in the book. Ideas, thinking and enlightenment even written in some papers and compiled into a book. Unfortunately some of the books that contain a lot of important things that have been lost, damaged either intentionally or unintentionally. Those who deliberately set fire to the book, are those who fear the humans around him to be smart and could not face it. Here are 6 books that predicted a phenomenal can change the world.

1. Gospel of Eve, Writers Anonymous

Gospel of Eve, touted as the most erotic books (many contain sexism) as well as the most doubtful, possibly because the last thing that was why the church had a lot to discuss this controversy and ban the concept of "Free Sex" (Coitus interruptus) as well as a scene swallowing semen in a ceremony. All things controversial and embarrassing presented in this book. This book is very dangerous because it questioned the selibasi 2000 years old (not married

6 most magnificent Water Tunnel in the World

Water tunnel, as the water supply for domestic use or irrigation can be under or above ground. In some places this world, there are towering aqueduct divides the city, such as this stunning example 7 tunnel.

1. Water tunnel Camaya

Camaya aqueduct was built in the time of King Joao V (1706 - 1750) ruled. The goal is a provider of water to the city of Lisbon. The water

7 Things the Most Feared Human

In general, the fears that many experienced people in the world, ranging in matters concerning everyday life, from relationships, family, finances up. As summarized from the,, here are the things that most people feared.
  1. afraid of Dying

Fear of death is the ultimate fear experienced by humans. Almost all people are not ready to die despite knowing that death sooner or later must come. Many people are