Saturday, January 19, 2013

Shocking Facts From Earthquakes

1. Earth seismologists more active in the past 15 years, said geophysicist Missouri University of Science & Technology Stephen S. Gao. However, not all seismologists agree.

 2. San Francisco approached Los Angeles a rate of about 2 inches per year (such as the speed your fingernails grow). These cities will meet a few million years later. However, the north-south movement also means
that California will not fall into the sea.

3. Earthquake in March is not a month, although some people believe it. It is true that on March 28, 1964, Prince William Sound, Alaska, experienced a 9.2 Richter scale earthquake and became one of the largest-ever earthquake. The quake killed 125 people and property damage U.S. $ 311 million (Rp 2.8 trillion). On March 9, 1957, Andreanof Islands, Alaska, experienced a 9.1 magnitude earthquake. However, the next three largest U.S. earthquake occurred in February, November, and December. Terdahsyat earthquake occurred in Chile on February 27, 2010.

 4. There are about 500 thousand earthquakes each year worldwide that sensitive instruments detected. Approximately 100 thousand quake could be felt, and 100 thousand other causes of damage each year. Each year, southern California region having about 10 thousand earthquakes, and most people do not feel.

5. The sun and moon are causing tremors. Have long known the sun and moon rise in the planet's crust tide, tidal minor version. Now, researchers say, the pull of the sun and moon on the San Andreas Fault stimulates tremors underground.

6. A city in Chile moves 10 feet when the 8.8 magnitude earthquake occurred on February 27, 2010. This earthquake tore the crust and shifts Concepcin city to the west. The earthquake is thought to slightly alter the planet's rotation and shortening days on earth.

7. There is no "earthquake weather." According to the U.S. Geological Survey, statistically, there is equity earthquake in cold weather, heat, rain, and so on. Scientists say there is no physical way weather can affect several miles below the earth's surface where the earthquake originated. Changes in air pressure in the atmosphere is very small compared to the power in the earth's crust, in addition to the effects of air pressure does not reach the ground.

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