Thursday, July 18, 2013

Amazing Most Exotic Beach Tourism in Indonesia

Indonesia is an archipelago country surrounded with beaches and beautiful sea. Even 3 of thousands of beaches in Indonesia successfully penetrates the list of 100 most beautiful beaches in the world by CNN.
If you have not thought to make them one of your holiday destination visit, see the amazing photos below. Prepare to be amazed.

1. Raja Ampat
Raja Ampat beach often in the first position in the list of the most beautiful beaches versions of various websites. Raja Ampat is a fraction of Sorong regency, since 2003. The district has a population of 31,000 souls has

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

5 Animals Most in the World!!

1. Ant


Ants are insects that comes from a family eusosial Formisidae, and ants are included in the order Himenoptera along with bees and wasps. Ants are divided into more than 12,000 groups, with a large number of comparisons in the tropics. Ant colony known and regular nests, which sometimes consist of thousands of ants per colony. Types of ants are divided into worker ants, ant males, and
queen ant. One colony can master and use a wide area to support their activities. Ant colonies are sometimes called superorganisme because

Monday, July 15, 2013

DIENG PLATEAU - Beauty Magic in Java, Indonesia

Dieng name derived from the Sanskrit word "in" meaning place, and "hyang" which means god creator. Overall Dieng can be interpreted as the abode of the gods. While the residents around often mean that the Dieng derived from the word "edi" which means beautiful in the Java language, and "aeng" meaning strange. In other words Dieng is a beautiful place but has a lot of peculiarities.Located at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea

This is the cause of Crying While Slicing Onions

This time I will share information about causes of Crying When It Slicing Onions. For those who like to cook, surely familiar with herbs called onion. If we're chopping onions, garlic either, shallots, and onions, slowly but surely, our eyes will feel sore afterwards shed tears. Curious? Here is the cause of crying when

Latest World Mysteries

- An unsolved mystery of the world and this will be terrible times I share completely. Having previously been terposting article about 197 unique and strange facts. Here is a collection of the latest versions mystery  from various sources.
1001 Misteri Dunia Terbaru
# In the Bermuda Triangle Theory Blue Hole, said on the sea floor there is a kind of Bermuda triangle hole / cave seabed, used this cave was indeed there, but after the ice age passed, this cave tertutup.Arus in it is very strong and often made a powerful vortex suction .

1001 Misteri Dunia Terbaru
# In Sumatra reportedly Short People are like apes but walked upright. Short is one of those creatures that live cryptozoology and scattered in several areas in Sumatra. According to witnesses who had seen the person is short, this creature has a height of approximately 70-75 cm, her body covered with dense hairs are black-brown, and walked upright. Sometimes there are several witnesses who said Short People often scream with strange noises

1001 Misteri Dunia Terbaru

# Found deep in the mine in southern Chihuahua Mexico, the Crystal Cave of the Giants a crystals formed in a natural cave which is limited entirely to the bedrock. Crystals can be found a very long, up to as high as the pine trees, and in some circumstances, can have silver and gold translucent colors with a variety of forms.

1001 Misteri Dunia Terbaru
# Mighty Incan Empire of South America that developed between 1200 and 1535 AD developed drainage systems and canals to expand their crops, and the cities built on a steep rock mountains - such as Machu Picchu (above) - without ever inventing the wheel. Despite their vast achievements, the Incan Empire 40,000 manned

10 famous people Indonesia in the world

1. Joe Taslim
Orang Indonesia Yang MenduniaThis guy's full name is John Taslim, and was born in Palembang on July 23, 1981. In addition to being a very talented actor, he is also an Indonesian Judo athlete and never Merai silver medal at the SEA Games 2007. Once known by the international community through the film The Raid, but he bounced armpit kianj elected as an actor in the movie Fast and Furious 6, Joe Taslim in the film acts as an antagonist named Jah. He collided with

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The biggest Explosion Ever Happened

Here's the list:

No. 10:

A fire in the cargo ship SS Grandcamp which was docked in texas city in 1947 sparked amoniu 2,300 tons of nitrate, a mixture that is used for fertilizing and high explosive. The explosion of removing the

Facts, People Sleep Late Night and Day Build More Successful career

Researchers from the University of Madrid examined nearly 1,000 adolescents and found that people who like to stay up late and wake up during the night has some qualities that are superior to the bed early, especially aspects of intelligence, reasoning, conceptual and analytical thinking.

People who often get up early have a higher value in school. But for a successful career problems, researchers found people who wake up during the more superior. Researchers suspect that the trend is due to the behavior performed after sunset tend to attract people with great curiosity.

"People who get up late tend to be people who are more creative, extrovert, poets, artists and inventors. Whereas early riser more deductive reasoning as so often civil servants and accountants," says Jim Horne, professor of psychophysiology at Loughborough University as reported by Medical Daily, Thursday (28/03/2013).


To compare

The Real Story Being Human Monster [Photos]

Sain Mumtaz, (22), who lives on the outskirts of Lahore, Pakistan, as a child was diagnosed with Proteus syndrome, which makes some parts of his body continued to grow to be great. While it is accepted in his neighborhood, Sain, often feel alienated because of having physically different from normal people.

But thanks to the spirit of love and support given by friends and members of his family, he is now determined to get out of the abyss and embracing life. Now he was seeking treatment, which can treat him, so that he could meet the woman of his dreams

Mysteries of candles lit 1500 years

An Australian scholar Robbert Briggen, found that prehistoric humans had intelligence that is more advanced than the science that we have because they have eternal lights.

"In April 1485 the body of a noble lady of the ancient Greek times removed of perkuburannya place in the" Appian Way. "When investigators entered the

5 Mystical Story Behind the Sinking of the Titanic

Titanic sank on April 15, 1912 after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York City. Sinking of the Titanic resulted in the death of as many as 1,514 people in one of the disaster the deadliest peacetime maritime history. The sinking of the world's biggest passenger Titanic holds many mysteries and stories below 5 Story Behind Mystical Titanic Sinking Ship curious as to what consider the following as quoted from Yahoo.

1. Story at the funeral home.
After the Titanic tragedy, rescuers found 328 dead bodies and brought them to the Snow & Co. Funeral Home in Halifax, Nova Scotia. According to Encompass Magazine, the funeral home is now the Five Fisherman Restaurant and pulleys used to hoist the bodies of Titanic to the building is still hanging in the restaurant ceiling. Strange occurrences such as glass flew off the shelf or own cutlery fell on the floor is a common occurrence that often occur in this restaurant.

2. Mystery aquarium 
In 2008, the Atlanta Journal Constitution published a story about the Georgia Aquarium after the exhibit "Titanic Aquatic" was exhibited

Saturday, July 13, 2013

[WARNING!] Many People Do not Know the Dangers Dispose Used Batteries!!

What do you do with used batteries? Almost all will answer, throw it into the trash. Used batteries are hazardous waste so they should not be carelessly discarded.All types of used batteries such as batteries in the remote, toys, watches, cell phones, digital cameras and batteries that can be charged (rechargeable) B3 waste (Hazardous Material) When carelessly discarded or recycled, the content of heavy metals and