Thursday, August 16, 2012

Beautiful Creatures Creatures in the Mariana Trench, deepest place in the World

Mariana Trench is the deepest location in the world save a million mysteries. Including the unique creatures that can survive in extreme conditions in the deepest sea.

Mariana Trench is located in the Pacific Ocean, east of the Mariana Islands, to be precise with the coordinates 11 ° 21 'North latitude and 142 ° 12' east longitude, is also close to Japan. Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the ocean in the world, as well as the location of the deepest in the world.

Depth of the Mariana Trench itself is 11 033 meters, while the pressure at the deepest trough reaches 8 tons per square inch. Meanwhile, the Mariana Trench is the length of 2.542 km with a width of 69 km.

Deep water with unusually high pressure was initially thought to be only inhabited by a primitive species, but recent findings indicate that in the deep sea there are many species that can not even be identified. Some of the creatures are small in size, but they can survive in the most extreme environmental conditions.

The following are pictures of the unique creatures Mariana trough dwellers.

15 Facts About Cats

For the cat lover, it's good to know the facts below:

1. Adult cats have about 30 teeth in its mouth, while a kitten has 26 teeth.

2. Cats with white fur and blue eyes are usually born deaf, although they developed other senses instead.

3. The cat's whiskers are very sensitive and can sense changes in air pressure that even the small ones.           This capability makes the cat can use it as an alternative guide to move in the dark when he can not see.

4. Although cats have five fingers on the front foot, they only had 4 fingers on the back foot. However, in some cats can be born with lots of fingers to the bone even with an additional 7.

5. At 6-month-old cat, was equivalent to 10 human years of age.

Tips When Preparing for Job Interviews

Job interviews are always stressful for the candidates. During the interview, we will physically meet with the interviewer and be seen directly if we qualify or not. With the interview the interviewer can make more confident if you are the right or vice versa. Hence, while engaged in a job interview, it is important for you to be a good time to introduce myself. Unfortunately, not all potential job seekers, lack of preparation when it will face an interview. So that you are successful, try to look at the following tips to help you make a good first impression at a job interview ...
Preparation Step into one Take the extra time approximately 30 minutes to

Panama Golden Frogs Left Only Ten

Gold frog that became a national symbol of Panama city, the population is now dwindling.
Panama golden frog (Atelopus zeteki) which is one of the national symbol of Panama city is threatened with extinction. According to biologists, Edgardo Griffith in Nispero Zoo, the frog population there


Tony Stark character which is another name for Iron Man's character is a rich and crazy technology. And for her performance in the recent movie The Avengers, Tony Stark was preparing a car that the exorbitant price of nearly U.S. $ 9.2 million or around Rp 82.8 billion. What are the greatness of this car?
In his latest film, a car made ​​by Stark Industries Super Car uses a variety of advanced technologies can only dream of many people. Starting from the radar, bulletproof

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Top 10 Fears You Might Have !!

Everyone is afraid of something or the other. Whether these fears are reasonable sensible or rational and may be a product of some long buried distress which can vary from person to person. Whatever the root cause, many people all over the world experience the same fear for various reasons. Year-to-year the exact percentages can fluctuate, however the fear or the trauma always varies. GilyGily.Com has collected some of the same kind of fears that are the top listed on the list according to most of the people who admit to their fears.


It is probably a good rule of thumb to follow: if it scares Indiana Jones, it scares me. And so, like Dr. Jones, we find ourselves terrified of the reptiles we perceive to be slimy and sinister. In reality, most snakes are neither, but

Graffiti Styles : Stunning Art

Graffiti is the name for images or lettering scratched, scrawled, painted or marked in any manner on property. Graffiti is any type of public markings that may appear in the forms of simple written words to elaborate wall paintings.
Graffiti has existed since ancient times, with examples dating back to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. In modern times, paint, particularly spray paint, andmarker pens have become the most commonly used graffiti materials. In most countries, marking or painting property without the property owner’s consent is considered defacement and vandalism, which is a punishable crime.
Sometimes graffiti expresses social and political messages and a whole genre of artistic expression is based upon spray paint graffiti styles. To some, it is an art form worthy of display in galleries and exhibitions; to others it is merely vandalism.
Graffiti has evolved into a pop culture existence often related to underground hip hop music, b-boying, and a lifestyle that remains hidden from the general public. Graffiti can be used as a gang signal to mark territory or to serve as an indicator or “tag” for gang-related activity.
Cool graffiti on the streets of different cities. It is a pity that we do not draw, but only able to write obscenities on the walls.

Сногсшибательные уличные граффити (28 Фото)

Incredibly Evil Alarm Clocks That Hate Your Guts

Everybody needs a clocks at some point of time .. and for waking up early in the morning the need of a clock is very common. Today we have collected some of the evil looking clocks which not only rings your head up but they will give you an evil look which cannot be denied .. and you have to get up..

i hope you will like this collection and don’t forget to share it with your friends.. they will surely love it ..
15 sinister alarm clocks that hate your guts
“SnuzNLuz” Donation Clock You’d be hard pressed to find a better motivator than SnuzNLuz. The longer you sleep in, the more of your real money

Smallest Camera in The World MAME-CAM

Thanko, the Japanese company, which specializes in accessories, has developed a new miniature SLR MAME-CAM, which weighs only 11 grams and has dimensions of 30 × 27 × 27 mm. 1.  Two-megapixel camera SLR MAME-CAM designed and assembled in the Land of the Rising Sun. Nothing special, unless you know that the unit can easily fit on the tip of your finger and weighs only 11 grams.
Smallest Camera in The World MAME-CAM (1)

6 Cocktails Will Keep You Healthy

Two glasses of champers a day keeps heart disease at bay, it is said by Reading University. I know Cocktail lovers will love it, many of my visitors like cocktails but this time i got six cocktails to help you toast Which is good for your health after all health is everything, have a look…..

1. Slimmer’s Choice

5ml orange juice
20ml cold Earl Grey tea
A twist of orange peel
6 Cocktails Will Keep You Healthy (1)
Pour the tea and fresh orange juice into a flute, then top up with Champagne. Garnish with orange peel. This floaty cocktail shimmies in at under 100 calories – that’s a whopping 50% less than a G&T (which means you can have twice as many drinks…)

We have listed the World’s top Unique Bridges on the parameters of their height, width, creativity and usage. Under listed bridges are so unique in their nature which can be witnessed from their pictures and the details i.e. the factors which make them exceptional.

Pedestrian Bridge, Texas

This beautiful arched bridge of Lake Austin was used to be a private property of Miro Rivera Architects and it used to connect the client’s main house to the other guest house on the other side of the water.  The idea was to make the bridge seem as natural as possible within its surroundings and to do this they made the decking and reed-like hand rails as imperfect as possible.  The result is a bridge that looks extremely fragile but definitely worth the risk.

Octavio Frias de Oliveira Bridge, Sao Paulo, Brazil

The Octavio Frias de Oliveira Bridge is a stunning x-shaped cable-stayed bridge that crosses the Pinheiros River in Sao Paulo.  It’s design is unique as it has 2 curved decks of the bridge cross each other through its x-shaped supporting tower, an illuminated structure that stands 450ft tall and has attached to it 144 steel cables.

Kintaikyo, Iwakuni, Japan

The original Kintai Bridge was built in 1673 and didn’t stand very long until it was damaged due to flooding.  It was then rebuilt and continues to exist for more than 200 years until a typhoon battered it to death in 1950.  The bridge that stands now over the Nishiki River os the 3rd build and looks magnificent, it’s 5 wooden arches displaying an incredible amount of detail and craftsmanship.

Juscelino Kubitschek Bridge, Brasilia, Brazil

The JK Bridge in Brasilia is an example in elegant bridge design.  The 3 huge arches diagonally hopping over the deck of the bridge give the structure a remarkable visual fluidity and make the whole 1.2km bridge look effortlessly cool.  This bridge has won so many awards for its design but is still massively underappreciated on a wide level.

Rolling Bridge, London, UK

Thomas heatherwick’s award-winning rolling bridge is an ingenious addition to the grand union canal system in London and is unique in its design.  Unlike regular movable canal bridges, the rolling bridge curls up on itself to form an octagon by way of hydraulics.  It’s an amazing sight and a reminder that a fresh perspective can produce great, innovative results, even when dealing with a structure as common as a bridge.

Beipanjiang River Railroad Bridge, Guizhou, China

Beipanjiang River Railroad Bridge in Guizhou is an enormous railway bridge that was built as part of the much larger ‘Guizhou-Shuibai Railway Project’.  Connecting 2 mountains over a deep ravine, at its highest point the bridge’s deck sits 918ft above the ground (to compare, at its highest point the Millau viaduct’s deck clears the river underneath by 890ft).  The bridge has succeeded in connecting 2 of the country’s poorest areas.

Henderson Waves, Southern Ridges, Singapore

‘Henderson Waves’ is Singapore’s highest pedestrian bridge and can be found at the southern ridges, a beautiful 9km stretch of gardens and parks which has frequently drawn comparisons to New York’s Central Park.  The bridge itself is absolutely stunning.  The deck is made from thousands of Balau wood slats, perfectly cut and arranged, and along the length of the deck a huge snaking, undulating shell cleverly forms sheltered seating areas on every upward curve.

Pont Gustave Flaubert, Rouen, France

This is an incredible vertical lift bridge in Rouen, France, a beast of a structure whose 2 bridge spans weigh 1200tons each but can be hoisted 180ft vertically by the bridge’s lifting mechanism in an impressive 12 minutes.  Just the angular structures at the top of each tower weigh in at 450tons each, helping to support the lifting system for passing of cruise ships.

Hegigio Gorge Pipeline Bridge, Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea

This is a bridge but can’t be used by humans due to the fact that its purpose is to support 2 pipelines – 1 gas, 1 oil – across the extremely high gap in Papua New Guinea.  So high in fact that if this were to be officially recognized as a bridge it would rocket to the top of the ‘world’s highest bridge-span’ list at an impressive height of 1290ft.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Practice Tips to Look Beautiful in Valentine Moment

Practice Tips to Look Beautiful in Valentine Moment Practice Tips to Look Beautiful in Valentine Moment

9 Beauty Trends That Hated Men

9 Beauty Trends That Hated Men 9 Beauty Trends That Hated Men

9 Beauty Trends That Hated Men

Women often follow the world trend which is being hits. But apparently something that is considered good by women, not necessarily liked men. As reported by She Finds, following the trend of beauty women who hated men.

9 Beauty Trends That Men Hated Extreme Hair Highlights 9 Beauty Trends That Hated Men 

Extreme Hair Highlights

Hair highlights are a trend from year to year. However, if the hair highlights are too extreme by using bright colors and flashy, it is no longer considered good in the eyes of men.

9 Beauty Trends That Men Hated Eye Shadow Colors 9 Beauty Trends That Hated Men 

Eye Shadow Colors

Since last year, neon eye shadow is becoming a trend make-up. However, for men, women who use eye shadow bright and colorful can make them lost feeling. If you want to apply this trend, you should only use when you go out with friends female only, not with a lover or your date.

9 Beauty Trends That Men Hated Fake Eyelashes are Overstated 9 Beauty Trends That Hated Men 

Fake Eyelashes are Overstated

Her eyes are often considered to be sexy for men. Using fake eyelashes is a great way to get a seductive glance. However, if the fake eyelashes are too excessive length and thickness, it is no longer seen by the natural man.

9 Beauty Trends That Men Hated Eyebrows Too Thin or Too Thick 9 Beauty Trends That Hated Men 

Eyebrows Too Thin or Too Thick

Several years ago, a very thin eyebrows is booming among women. But during the past year eyebrows trend change. Now the thick eyebrows woman in great demand. Even so, the two trends are not considered attractive to men. Eyebrows that is too thin to make women look sinister, while the eyebrows are too thick and makes the black woman’s face looks stern and fierce. Men prefer women who look natural eyebrows.

9 Beauty Trends That Men Hated Using Lip Gloss 9 Beauty Trends That Hated Men 

Using Lip Gloss

Apparently not many men who consider women sexy when using lip gloss. Precisely glossy lips make men think women are not wiping his lips after eating fried foods.

9 Beauty Trends That Men Hated Extreme Manicure 9 Beauty Trends That Hated Men 

Extreme Manicure

Using colored nail polish is still considered funny by men. But if your nails are decorated with pictures or details of the strange man will label you as a complicated woman.

9 Beauty Trends That Men Hated Pixie Cuts Model 9 Beauty Trends That Hated Men 

Pixie Cuts Model

Pieces pixie model it is becoming a trend. But having a certain very short hair is not favored by many men. He assumes she is short haired tomboyish woman.

9 Beauty Trends That Men Hated Extensions Hair 9 Beauty Trends That Hated Men 

Extensions Hair

Long haired women are favored by many men. However, do not push yourself to connect the hair by hair extensions. Men will be surprised and reluctant to caress your hair because it was blocked by the grains and connective hair clip.

9 Beauty Trends That Men Hated Red Lipstick 9 Beauty Trends That Hated Men 

Red Lipstick

Women who use red lipstick is often regarded man as aunts. He assumes some women do not look attractive to the lipstick color that light.

Nail Polish Trends for 2012

Nail Polish Trends for 2012 Nail Polish Trends for 2012

Nail Polish Trends for 2012

Trends in make-up does not only come to the lipsticks and eyeshadow alone, nail polish style underwent a change. As reported by Bella Sugar, this nail polish trends for 2012.

Nail Polish Trends for 2012 Lip Color Nail polish In line Nail Polish Trends for 2012 

Lip Color & Nail Polish In line

It used a lot of advise do not equate lip color and paint your nails. But it was no longer valid for this year. Precisely light lip color can be aligned with the nail polish with the same gradation in color lipstick. Lipstick and nail polish will be dominated by the color orange, fuchsia and red.

Nail Polish Trends for 2012 Transparent Nail Nail Polish Trends for 2012 

Transparent Nail

Transparent nail bath crystals will also be in demand. To get it you have to use artificial nails transparent. Transparent nail was first popularized in fashion shows 3.1 Phillip Lim, Alexandre Herchcovitch and Joanna Mastroianni.

Nail Polish Trends for 2012 Short Nails and Natural Color Nail Polish Trends for 2012 

Short Nails and Natural Color

Short nails and nail polish natural color for 2012 is still in demand. Colors like nude, pink and beige will be a favorite color of all time.

Nail Polish Trends for 2012 Rainbow Nail Polish Trends for 2012 

Rainbow Nail

Last year neon color nail polish idol. Similarly for 2012, the bright colors still dominate. But now its use is more extreme. Nail polish used different colors for each finger.

Nail Polish Trends for 2012 Sequins Nail Polish Trends for 2012 

Sequins Nail

Not only clothing that could be made with detailed sequins, nails can be decorated with sparkling beads that. To attach sequins, use nail glue and paste one by one the beads. To mengilaukan and sequins unite all the particles into a deep sleep with clear nail polish.

Tips for Long Nails Quick

Tips for Long Nails Quick

Tips for Long Nails Quick Tips for Long Nails Quick – Have long nails, clean and shiny is an added value of a woman. Besides looking healthy, nail type the characters themselves represent a clean slate.
Long nails also make your fingers look slender. Therefore, many women who want to have long nails, but they are difficult to grow it. In order to more quickly nails long, unkempt and not easily broken, you need to do this treatment, as reported from TypeF.

1. Gentle care

Nails may be seen to have a strong structure. Although reliability when using artificial nails and painted over and over again, but also nail care needs, just like your skin. If you want to nail growth is not inhibited, one of the best ways is to diligently wash and dry the nails. With wet nails, it will make it moist. Do not forget also, after the nails and dry hands, use hand lotion containing lanolin to provide extra moisture.

2. Nutrition

By providing nutrients, the nail becomes much easier to grow. In addition the nail becomes brittle. Vitamin B and E are nutrients that are good for your nails. Taking vitamin B and E as well as consuming lots of fruits and vegetables, and yogurt can make your nails stronger.

3. Garlic

Garlic can also strengthen and lengthen nails. You do this by soaking the nails in water and sliced ??garlic let sit a few minutes. Do this treatment two to three times a week, so the results look.

4. Olive oil

The growth of natural nails can also be assisted with olive oil. Olive oil can provide vitamin in the nail. Put olive oil in your manicure ritual, do it once a week for maximum results.

5. Gelatin

Gelatin is a protein which is good for nail and hair growth. Gelatin can be purchased at pharmacies. Mix the gelatin in water and soak nails for 10 minutes.

7. Manicure

Manicure diligent to prevent cracks in the nails. How to smooth the nail with a nail file and shape the tip to Ouval. Avoid using nail polish too often, because they contain chemicals that can damage the nail. Avoid using too much acetone, because the content of alcohol can make your nails become dry.

8. Biotin

Biotin or vitamin H, can help grow your nails faster. Not only that, Vitamin H is also good for strong hair growth. If you are pregnant, the consumption of only 1 mg of biotin two or three times a day. Effects will be felt in taking biotin nail after 6 months. According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, more than 30 percent of people managed to get your nails healthy by eating biotin. But a good idea before taking biotin, consult your physician for measure dosage best for you.

Top 10 Glamorous Updos

Top 10 Glamorous Updos

Top 10 Glamorous Updos Top 10 Glamorous Updos gathered 10 examples of Hollywood’s most glamorous updos. Check out the list to see if your favorite celebrity made the cut.

5 New Gucci Dress to Show Elegant

5 New Gucci Dress to Show Elegant 5 New Gucci Dress to Show Elegant

5 New Gucci Dress to Show Elegant – Gucci launched a new collection for Spring / Summer 2012. If you buff elegant style, this collection of Gucci can be chosen. Here are five dress that can be used as inspiration.

5 New Gucci Dress to Show Elegant Strapless Dress 5 New Gucci Dress to Show Elegant 

Strapless Dress

Strapless dress is made of 100 percent silk with tiny leather belt detail. This strapless dress with matching high heels. You can wear it on formal occasions like a wedding invitation to visit day or night.

5 New Gucci Dress to Show Elegant Asymmetric 5 New Gucci Dress to Show Elegant 


Now dress with asymmetrical models favored by many fashion lovers. Gucci was released predominantly asymmetric dress with a bright green color. Made of viscose material, this dress paired with matching high heels similar colors.

 5 New Gucci Dress to Show Elegant Long Sleeve Crew Neck 5 New Gucci Dress to Show Elegant 

Long Sleeve Crew Neck

Long-sleeved gown of silk can be combined with a black pump shoes. Dress is simple but still look elegant, can you wear to the office with a fitted black blazer.

 5 New Gucci Dress to Show Elegant Floral V Neck 5 New Gucci Dress to Show Elegant 

Floral V-Neck

Alert dress with floral motifs are made of silk Gucci. If you want to wear, with matching peep-toe shoes. As a complement to the appearance, add a necklace with pearl accents.

 5 New Gucci Dress to Show Elegant Two Layer Skirt 5 New Gucci Dress to Show Elegant 

Two Layer Skirt

Dress with a bright orange with purple and white combination can you wear to a formal and more relaxed. This sleeveless dress with matching shoes with wedges.

The World’s Most Romantic Cities for Valentine

The World’s Most Romantic Cities for Valentine

The worlds most romantic cities for valentine The Worlds Most Romantic Cities for Valentine

The worlds most romantic cities for valentine Paris The Worlds Most Romantic Cities for Valentine 


Who does not know the romance of Paris? city for lovers with good food, wine and a pleasant feel. A romantic dinner by candlelight near the Eiffel Tower, walking together along the Champs Elysees or a picnic in the park. Paris to the romance and beauty for the couple who fall in love for centuries.

The worlds most romantic cities for valentine Hawaii The Worlds Most Romantic Cities for Valentine 


It turned out that Hawaii is a honeymoon destination city in the world, especially among Americans. Whether you are in Maui, or other major islands in Hawaii, this place has always offered the best selection of couples in the morning. Beaches and tropical forests, luxurious hotel rooms, sports, and many interesting things in the wild!

The worlds most romantic cities for valentine St. Thomas The Worlds Most Romantic Cities for Valentine 

St. Thomas

The city is located in the Virgin Islands, and is a famous coastal city by the coast line of beautiful and interesting places to shop. The city is filled with hotels that can accommodate couples or even families. In this city also limits the number of parties and party members, so you’ll have no trouble if you want to cuddle with your partner!

The worlds most romantic cities for valentine Venice The Worlds Most Romantic Cities for Valentine 


Travel by gondola on the canals of this city has become a symbol of the romance of this city. Sitting close to the couple and in awe to see the beautiful city. Romantic dinner at an Italian restaurant with a variety of interesting twists and turns that sometimes it takes you to a wonderful romantic church. Venice is a place that will make you fall in love and fall in love again.

The worlds most romantic cities for valentine Tahiti The Worlds Most Romantic Cities for Valentine 


Quiet strip located in the South Pacific, with a beautiful beach bungalows, which lets you swim in the morning calm. Relax on white sand with beautiful palm trees with the hotel staff that is ready to help you whatever and whenever. Magnificent scenery at sunset can not be easily forgotten!

The worlds most romantic cities for valentine Belize The Worlds Most Romantic Cities for Valentine 


Belize is a wonderful place for couples. The island is located in the center of this reef, you can forget all the people because many of the beaches are so ‘private property’ of water filled with colorful reef fish will accompany you. You are afraid to swim? no problem, beautiful beaches and palm trees bergorang awaits you!

The worlds most romantic cities for valentine Maldives The Worlds Most Romantic Cities for Valentine 


23 islands located in the middle of Ocean Indonesia is one of the heavenly world. Coral islands are only a little above the sea, and reefs surrounding the island group is full of life.Small country is beautiful and romantic it is the most fitting place for a romantic life.

The worlds most romantic cities for valentine Seychelles The Worlds Most Romantic Cities for Valentine 


Ocean islands in Indonesia is actually located off the coast of Africa and is the most relaxing places in the world. Exotic life and feel the calm will always be waiting for you and your partner. Golf course, spa, fishing trips and fresh tropical drinks will make a pair of honeymooners will not want to go back to their home country again.

The worlds most romantic cities for valentine Bruges The Worlds Most Romantic Cities for Valentine 


The ancient city with a medieval setting in Brussels this is the best way to escape from all the noise of the city. This quiet little town to maintain the condition of the city remained as the condition of this town in the middle ages. The streets are lined with rocks, and small cafes in the open air will make you feel back to medieval times, complete with a variety of romantic and beautiful thing, minus the trouble and fuss.

The worlds most romantic cities for valentine Tuscany The Worlds Most Romantic Cities for Valentine 


Area full of vineyards, villas, and the small Italian towns, will make you feel like being in a romantic way. You can stay at the historic villa, the best food and you can cycle around the vineyards and drink wine you select the best anyway. If you are in this place, you will certainly understand why some people did not want to go back when I got in this place. In short, nothing is more beautiful and romantic in Italy than Tuscany.