Monday, June 4, 2012

6 Cocktails Will Keep You Healthy

Two glasses of champers a day keeps heart disease at bay, it is said by Reading University. I know Cocktail lovers will love it, many of my visitors like cocktails but this time i got six cocktails to help you toast Which is good for your health after all health is everything, have a look…..

1. Slimmer’s Choice

5ml orange juice
20ml cold Earl Grey tea
A twist of orange peel
6 Cocktails Will Keep You Healthy (1)
Pour the tea and fresh orange juice into a flute, then top up with Champagne. Garnish with orange peel. This floaty cocktail shimmies in at under 100 calories – that’s a whopping 50% less than a G&T (which means you can have twice as many drinks…)

2. The flu-fighter

15ml Mandarin Vodka
Half a mandarin
A mandarin wedge
1 tsp vanilla sugar
4 mint leaves
6 Cocktails Will Keep You Healthy (2)
Muddle the mandarin, vodka, vanilla sugar and mint. Shake and strain into a flute and top up with Champagne. Use the wedge to garnish. The mandarin juice contains one fifth of your vit C RDA (a crucial immune booster in flu season), while mint reduces party-pooping headaches.

3.  Ladykiller

15ml raspberry vodka
4 fresh raspberries
5ml gomme (sugar syrup)
10ml melted dark chocolate
6 Cocktails Will Keep You Healthy (3)
Crush 3 raspberries in a shaker, add the vodka, gomme and chocolate. Shake, pour into a flute. Top with Champagne and garnish with the last raspberry. Chocolate triggers the release of ‘feel-good’ chemicals. Sugar syrup gives an instant energy kick. A potent mix.

4. Hangover Swerver

5ml Campari
2 black cherries
5ml Punt e Mes
5ml amaretto
2 drops Angostura Bitters
6 Cocktails Will Keep You Healthy (4)
Pour the Amaretto, Campari, Punt e Mes and Angostura into a flute. Top with Champagne. Sink the black cherries in to garnish, The bitters and herb-based Campari and Punt e Mes work together to settle your stomach, while the cherry is packed with polyphenols.

5. The unwinder

15ml limoncello
1cm thick slice cucumber
5ml vanilla syrup
10ml lemon juice
A twist of lemon peel
6 Cocktails Will Keep You Healthy (5)
Crush the cucumber in a shaker, add the limoncello, lemon juice and syrup. Shake and strain into a flute and top with Champagne. Garnish with lemon. Potassium-rich cucumber will reduce your blood pressure. Lemon is a natural stress alleviator. Perfect for chilling out.

6. Budget Saver

10ml peach liqueur
4 strawberries
5ml gomme (sugar syrup)
10ml peach purée
6 Cocktails Will Keep You Healthy (6)
Mash up 3 strawberries then add the purée, liqueur and gomme. Shake and top with Champagne. Garnish with a strawberry. The sweetness will soften the acidity of even the cheapest Champagne, plus strawberries give you a bonus 50% of your vitamin C RDA.

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