Monday, June 4, 2012

Incredibly Evil Alarm Clocks That Hate Your Guts

Everybody needs a clocks at some point of time .. and for waking up early in the morning the need of a clock is very common. Today we have collected some of the evil looking clocks which not only rings your head up but they will give you an evil look which cannot be denied .. and you have to get up..

i hope you will like this collection and don’t forget to share it with your friends.. they will surely love it ..
15 sinister alarm clocks that hate your guts
“SnuzNLuz” Donation Clock You’d be hard pressed to find a better motivator than SnuzNLuz. The longer you sleep in, the more of your real money SnuzNLuz gives away. Not just to anyone, either — the clock wirelessly donates your cash to organizations and charities you hate.
Tocky If you thought Clocky was scary, just get a load of its successor, the Tocky (from the same company, of course). Tocky’s protective rubber shell keeps it safe as it bounces away from you and rolls around, beeping, playing MP3s and — for the sleepy masochist — a recording of yourself or anyone ordering you awake.
Twist Equation Alarm Clock Well, here’s about the last thing you want to see in the morning: a math problem to solve. Better wake up quick, because this thing won’t shut up until you do: the hour screen becomes a plus or minus sign, and the minutes’ place becomes the answer you’re looking for. Good luck going back to bed after all the twisting and beeping.
Wake n’ Bacon Designer Matty Sallin’s Wake n’ Bacon wants to make a deal. It’ll wake you up, but to do so, you’ve got to pay a delicious tax: piping hot bacon. Soon, you won’t be able to get out of bed without that sweet, porky scent in the air or the crisp crunch of bacon between your teeth. Soon, you won’t be able to live without the Wake n’ Bacon! (This would be a good time for a lightning strikes and an evil cackle.)
Flying Alarm Clock The Flying Alarm Clock shares something with our previous entry, except this time what you’re chasing after is airborne. As the name implies, if you want your alarm clock to shut up, you’ve got to go running after the plastic little rotor — hopefully it doesn’t land behind the fridge.
Drill Sergeant Alarm Clock Rise and shine, you nitwit! What’s that? You want a little more sleep? Well, go right ahead, you baby, sleep all ya want — at your own risk! After a bugle plays a military reveille, the drill sergeant starts berating you until you stand at attention.
Shocking Alarm Clock Want to hit that snooze button? Well, get ready to pay for it if you do. The Shocking Alarm Clock won’t blow your fingers off, but it might make you think twice about settling back under those warm covers. [Source]
Blender Clock Hey, you know what sound really sucks? A blender. You know what noise would be really, really awful to wake up to? A blender.
Pop-up Alien Clock If you’re pretty much ready to smash every alarm clock to bits after reading this list (I wouldn’t blame you), then here’s one that lets you fight back, at least. As the alarm goes off, an annoying alien will hatch from its egg-shaped clock to torment you, but you can use the included gun to blast it into silence. It’s not much, but at least it’s not that Tocky. Geez.

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